Women Jesus Met
Dear Daily Devotion
I hope you’ve enjoyed our long journey through Revelation. It’s a difficult book and one that is often not read through either in personal study or in the Sunday Lectionary readings. I hope, despite the difficulties with the book, you found the reflections interesting.
Over the next week we are going to look at some of the women that Jesus met in his ministry. Jesus was unusual for a man of his time in that he worked with, healed, met, and noticed women who were, in the first century world, very much perceived as second class citizens. Over the next week we will look at some of the women Jesus met, how he dealt with them, and his attitude towards them.
I hope you find this interesting – and a pleasant break from the Apocalpyse!
with every good wish
The Rev’d Andy Braunston Co-ordinator, Daily Devotions from the URC