Sunday’s Coming

Sunday’s Coming

Dear Friends,

This Sunday’s service is the first edited by myself, Dan. But the service is being led by our very own Revd. Andy Braunston! So you have both of us to blame for any issues this week. This Sunday is All Saints Day so we’ll be looking at those who have gone before us, living model lives for us to take inspiration from. Hymns include the classic, rousing For all the Saints, Ken Naylor’s How Shall I Sing That Majesty, Isacc Watts’ Jesus Invites His Saints to a well-known tune and Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones.

This service will include Holy Communion. So please, if you wish, have some bread and wine at hand so we can share together.

The service will be sent out, as normal, at 9.45 on Sunday morning for a 10am start.  If you have any problems receiving it please read on for advice.

with every blessing,


Dan Morrell
Tech geek, Daily Devotions from the URC

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If, however, the email isn’t in your Spam/Junk folder please go to and read it there.  

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