Sunday’s Coming

Daily Devotions from the URC

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Sunday’s Coming

Dear Daily Devotion

Today is Holy Saturday, an in between time where, traditionally, until dusk at least services are sombre and reflect on Our Lord in the tomb.  Some traditions start their Easter celebrations after dusk with an Easter Vigil, but today we wait.  

Tomorrow our Easter service comes from Downing Place URC in Cambridge and is led by the Rev’d Dr John Bradbury.  That service gives an opportunity, if you wish, to share in Holy Communion so you may like to be prepared and have some bread and wine (or juice) ready.

I hope you’ve found comfort in our journey together through Holy Week with Fr Sieger Koeder’s Stations of the Cross (one more to come tomorrow), the audio visual Stations and the Good Friday service.  Our Easter joy should not be diminished tomorrow by the fact we’re apart – over 4,000 people receive these devotions directly and many have them forwarded to them.  We’re living through a foretaste of the Communion of the Saints in these days of isolation.

with every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Daily Devotions from the URC

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